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We offer a range of photo and video options for products, branding, and social media. We handle all aspects of the project from pre to post-production, working with you along the way to ensure successful outcomes. Rest assured that with a detailed plan, streamlined process, and constant communication, we will work together to accomplish your goals with quality and effective results. Our three most popular options are:

MB Stealth Lifestyle (Bonus) 3.jpg
Kalp - Mysterie 2.jpg
Aerial - Drone.jpg


A commercial is a great way to showcase your product in a professional light that creates interest and credibility. Ideal for landing pages, funnels, product listings, and ads.


• Up to 1 Minute 
• 1080p 
• 1 Actor (M or F) 
• 1 Location 
• Script  
• Royalty Free Music 
• 6 Product Photos on White Background.


Lifestyle videos showcase your product in an artistic and informative way. The viewer sees your product in its natural environment while engaged by cinematic visuals. Ideal for websites, ads, and social media.

• Up to 1 Minute 
• 1080p 
• 4 Motion Graphic Texts (Optional) 
• 1 Actor (M or F) 
• 1 Location 
• Script 
• Royalty Free Music 
• 6 Product Photos on White Background. 


Aerial shots add a unique perspective. They can establish a location, give the viewer a deeper understanding, and set your video apart from the competition.


Unboxing - Austin.jpg
Display - Renee.png
Stop Motion - ColdTI HD Photos 8.jpg


Review videos build trust, engage, and inform potential clients about your product. 

• Up to 1 Minute 
• 1080p 
• 1 Reviewer (M or F) 
• Amazon Compliant 
• Royalty Free Music 


A straightforward yet professional way to show your product on a simple background with clear text displaying its features. 

• Up to 1 Minute 
• 1080p 
• Detailed Product Shots 
• Amazon Compliant 
• Royalty Free Music


Display your product and its features in a fun, creative, and nostalgic manner that gets your viewers attention.

• Up to 45 Seconds 
• 1080p 
• Stop Motion 
• 3 Motion Graphic Texts (Optional) 
• Amazon Compliant 
• Royalty Free Music

AD - Lyndale White v2 2 (Boosted).jpg
AD - Lyndale Lifestyle (Emily) 6 (Boosted).jpg


• 6 photos on a plain white background. 


• 6 photos of your product within a pre-arranged background with simple props and 1 model.

All content can be customized for social media platforms. Subtitles, voice over, special props, drone, and additional actor/location are extra. Prices to be determined during consultation.

Click here to view our portfolio


In order for your brand to be competitive, and for your products to stand out, it is vital to have recurring content. Recurring content could be tutorials, vlogs, instructional videos, or simple elegant displays of your product that are published consistently. It’s one of the best ways to fortify yourself against overseas competitors. 


We live in a content driven world, and Recurrent Content is a must. It could be the difference between choosing your brand or product over a similar one that’s cheaper. Our Recurrent Content packages not only take the stressful workload off your back of producing high quality content consistently, but help maintain customer engagement and increase customer loyalty to a brand with whom they identify.

Please Contact Us to discuss your recurring content needs.

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